What's Deefest? DeeFest is an inclusive kayaking event that celebrates everything the River
Dee has to offer to a wide range of people. It’s a weekend of fun events,
races, socialising, shenanigans, silliness and, of course - THE PARTY!
What are we putting on for it?
1. Ducky Cross! Saturday 14th April: 12.30-4.30pm, Serpent's Tail
Definitely the spectator highlight for Saturday. Paddlers race six at a time
down Serpent's Tail, in a knock-out round style event, but this time we are in
Duckies (inflatable sit-on kayaks)! Expect lots of thrills, spills and silliness; and
plenty of surprises along the way. This is a competition open to all Deefest entrants and we can't wait to see who will be crowned the Ducky Champions!
2. Llangollen Wild Whitewater Kayak Tour: Sunday 16th April 11am - 1.30pm, Horseshoe Falls to East Street Long-stay Car Park.
This is an opportunity for those who are not yet skilled enough kayakers to take on the rapids of the main section of the River Dee by closed cockpit kayak to go for it themselves under the guidance of our instructors. It includes . This is a trip that will run as a separate event from the festival, and tickets can be purchased via the button below. All that participants need to bring is a a swimsuit for underneath a wetsuit, shoes to wear on the water, and a full change of clothes to change into afterward.